Forced gay sex stories money

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I was now in my white briefs.they were tight, hugging my manhood. I tried to reason with him, but he only got angrier and soon forcibly pulled down my pants. Yes, it seems my naked body was collateral! 'Strip, boy!' he commanded. I covered myself, promising to pay tomorrow.hoping my embarrassment would encourage his departure.

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I'd just tried shaving my pubic hair and he saw the result! Rob joked (I thought it was a joke at the time, anyway) he'd find another way for me to pay up. He'd caught me naked I'd hoped he'd just leave after witnessing my humiliation. 'You know what that means.' And I knew he was serious! He had burst in on me the last time I was late on rent. 'Looks like I finally caught up to you,' he said with a grin.

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The knock on the door meant that time was up.

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